The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Day Trading Penny Stocks

The Net's #1 Comprehensive eBook for Day Trading Penny Stocks

- learn how to choose winners
- see real life examples and explanations
- learn when to get in and when to get out
- learn The 10 Irrefutable Laws of Day Trading
- learn how to make money EVERY DAY!
- and much much more!!

Who Else Wants to Learn An EASY STEP-BY-STEP METHOD On How To REALLY Make Money From Penny Stocks?


ver see people who are successful at something you want to do, and when you go ask them for advice, they just toss some vague general information at you, when all you really wanted was step-by-step instructions? It's so frustrating. Wouldn't the world be a better place if everything you wanted to do had clear step-by-step instructions that were easy to follow and understand? That's exactly what I value. Clear, specific, easy to understand knowledge.

I had always wanted to make money on the stock market, but the return on investing long term in blue chip stocks was low and took years to get any decent amount. I wanted to get returns on my investments faster and at a higher rate. My attention turned to penny stocks and I was astonished at how much the daily percentage gains were! It was amazing! And then, a thought popped into my head: What if I day traded these penny stocks?

    Why day trade penny stocks?

    Because that's how you can make the MOST PROFIT in the SHORTEST AMOUNT OF TIME!

    Penny stocks yield the GREATEST DAILY PERCENTAGE GAINS in the market today!

    Just take a look at this data.

    Chart courtesy of
GFCI - 07-10-2006 - 170% Increase

What you could've made with $500 in ONE DAY

$500 @ 50% -> $250
$500 @ 100% -> $500
$500 @ 150% -> $750

    Chart courtesy of
GLIF - 07-10-2006 - 130% Increase

What you could've made with $500 in ONE DAY

$500 @ 50% -> $250
$500 @ 100% -> $500
$500 @ 150% -> $750

    Chart courtesy of
AMRE - 07-05-2006 - 176% Increase

What you could've made with $500 in ONE DAY

$500 @ 50% -> $250
$500 @ 100% -> $500
$500 @ 150% -> $750

Take Advantage of These HUGE Percentage Gains

    You can take advantage of these HUGE percentage gains by day trading these penny stocks.

    What does day trading mean?

    Day trading simply means buying and selling shares of a stock on the same day or the next day.

    That's it. That's all it is.

    You make profit by selling those shares at a higher price than what you bought them for. This is a perfect example from an actual Scottrade account screenshot.

    That's an example of how lucrative day trading penny stocks can be!

How You Make Money

    So how exactly does the whole process work? Here it is in a nutshell.

    Step 1. Do research (otherwise known as DD or due diligence) and come up with a list of stocks that you                would consider day trading for the day.

    Step 2. Gauging how the market reacts, pick one stock accordingly.

    Step 3. Enter a LIMIT ALL OR NONE buy order through your online broker.

    Step 4. Buy the shares.

    Step 5. Sell the shares at a higher price.

    Step 6. Get on with the rest of your day.

    Step 7. Repeat steps 1-6 daily and go on a well deserved vacation with the money earned.

Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I research?
    What am I looking for?
    How can I identify which stocks will go up?
    Which stocks do I buy?
    When do I buy?
    When do I sell?
    How much money should I use?
    How much money can I make?

    All of these questions, and more, are thoroughly answered within this eBook.

The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Day Trading Penny Stocks Has It All!

    It is THE ONLY eBook out on the Internet that focuses specifically on making daily profits from day trading penny stocks. This eBook will show you step-by-step what you need to do in order to profit from day trading penny stocks. It's written from the point of view of teaching a beginner and transforming him/her into a day trading profit making machine.

    There is no other eBook out in the market that will lay out in detail, step-by-step, in chronological order the exact process in which one can identify a winning penny stock to day trade with and reap daily profits!

  Complete Step-by-Step Guide From Start to Finish

  Detailed Analysis of Successful Stock Picking Strategies - Identify These and Watch Your Profits Sky Rocket

  The ALPHA Rule of Day Trading Penny Stocks - Ignore This And Be Doomed To Failure

  The 10 Irrefutable Laws of Day Trading Penny Stocks - Follow These and Reap Consistent Profits

  Dangerous Traps to Watch Out For - Spot These and Save Your Capital From Being Wasted

  Real Life Examples and Explanations - No Theory Here. Real Life Examples!

  How to Maximize Opportunities - Learn To Spot This Secret and Easily Double Your Money

  And Much Much More!

Imagine Making This Kind of Money In Hours!

Who Should Do This?

    Day trading penny stocks would be perfect for anyone wanting to make money work FOR THEM. It only requires the correct knowledge and training, and the actual buying and selling of shares is usually done within 1-2 hours. This would be perfect for college students, stay at home moms, or anybody wanting to make quick profits in a short amount of time from the comfort of their own home or office.

    What's more, historically speaking, long term investing (years) in the stock market yields an average of 10% A YEAR.

    With day trading penny stocks, you can get 10% or more A DAY.

    We’ve all seen the example of compounding 10% a year and becoming a millionaire in 60 or so years. What would happen if you compounded 10% A DAY? Would it take as long? You don’t need a math degree to figure that one out. The results are jaw dropping!

    Imagine making profits everyday!

    The market opens at 9:30 EST, so those of you who live on the West Coast can wake up, day trade, and make your profits BEFORE you even go to work! Imagine how great it would feel making a couple hundred bucks before your work day even begins!

    The next question is, how can you do it? Do you consult your fortune teller? Do you randomly pick one stock from a list? Do you pick a stock with your mother and father's initials? No! Of course not. Obviously, you're going to need to make your decisions based on accurate, real time data on penny stocks. So how do you do it?


    The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Day Trading Penny Stocks offers the right knowledge.

    What's the right tool?

The Right Tool Needed

    The answer is MicrocapFeed. MicrocapFeed is THE TOOL you need in order to successfully day trade penny stocks. It gives traders THE EDGE they need to perform at their very best.

    MicrocapFeed is THE DATA SOURCE AND APPLICATION for all things related to penny stocks. It has EVERYTHING you need in REAL TIME.
  • Top 400 Performing Penny Stocks
  • Real Time News and Filings
  • Multiple Trading Alerts
  • Powerful Real Time Streaming Filters
  • Level 1 & 2 Quotes and Charts
  • Time and Sales
  • Personal Workspace
  • Customized Alerts

© Copyright MicrocapTrade 2006. All Rights Reserved

    Looking at the first screenshot, you can see a 90.91% increase in just the first hour of trading!

     A 90.91% increase.

    That's almost doubling your money within an hour. These are the kinds of lucrative gains you can expect from day trading penny stocks.

    I must emphasize day trading here. Investing long term (weeks, months, years) in penny stocks is doomed to fail 99.99% of the time. Take advantage of these daily spikes. Get in, get out, get on with your day.

    The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Day Trading Penny Stocks has an entire chapter dedicated to MicrocapFeed, showing how you can maximize its use.

  Complete Step-by-Step Guide From Start to Finish

  Detailed Analysis of Successful Stock Picking Strategies - Identify These and Watch Your Profits Sky Rocket

  MicrocapFeed Tutorial and a $20.00 Monthly Discount Subscription - Learn To Master This Tool And Save Money Too!

  The ALPHA Rule of Day Trading Penny Stocks - Ignore This And Be Doomed To Failure

  The 10 Irrefutable Laws of Day Trading Penny Stocks - Follow These and Reap Consistent Profits
  Dangerous Traps to Watch Out For - Spot These and Save Your Capital From Being Wasted

  Real Life Examples and Explanations - No Theory Here. Real Life Explanations!

  How to Maximize Opportunities - Learn To Spot This Secret and Easily Double Your Money

  And Much Much More!

Reduce The Risk

    Now I know when people hear the words "day trade", they freak out. They automatically think day trading is risky. This is the most common belief that surrounds day trading. It's perpetuated by experiences of our fellow neighbors, friends, co-workers, who have tried it but lost money. The fact of the matter is, they went in blind. They did not have the right knowledge to succeed.

    With the right knowledge, the risk in day trading is minimized DRASTICALLY. That is what The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Day Trading Penny Stocks eBook does. It shows you from start to finish, step-by-step, what you need to know, what you need to look out for, and what you need to do, in order to successfully generate profits from the daily huge gains that only penny stocks display.

MicrocapFeed FREE 30 Day Trial + Discount

    You can try MicrocapFeed ABSOLUTELEY FREE FOR 30 Days! After that, buyers of The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Day Trading Penny Stocks will receive a MONTHLY $20.00 subscription discount to MicrocapFeed! The link to the discount is given inside the eBook.

    MicrocapFeed is the tool that holds the data. The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Day Trading Penny Stocks gives you the knowledge to understand the data. Put the tools and the knowledge together and you'll be more prepared than 99.9% of the rookies out there.

Imagine Making This Kind of Money!

    The best part is that since this is an eBook, you can buy this online, anywhere, anytime, download it, and be reading in no time! Plus, it can be viewed on any computer, Mac or PC.

8 Week Money Back Guarantee!

    I'm so confident of this eBook that I have a 8 week money back guarantee. If you're not happy within 60 days, I'll refund your entire purchase. No questions asked.

The Net's #1 Comprehensive eBook for Day Trading Penny Stocks

The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Day Trading Penny Stocks (eBook)

By Jason T. Brook

It's time to make your money work FOR YOU.

This amazing ebook is usually priced at $34.95, but as a special "Internet introductory offer", it is available for a short time at $10.00 off…..that’s $24.95!

List Price:   $34.95
List Price:   $24.95
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     To the beginning of your financial future. May day trading penny stocks bring you closer to your dreams as they have to mine.


P.S. Remember you have a 100% money-back guarantee on this offer and even if a refund should occur, you still get to keep the program! You can't lose on this!

P.P.S. This is a special Internet introductory offer and is only available for a short period of time so act now!

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